Terminal Velocity is SUCH a good headline

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(And the ensuing newsletter was no less fabulous)

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I was waiting for someone to say something about that!! Haha thank you 🫶🏻

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I've always liked airports. Some great tips here! As Tori says, if you travel a lot then it's definitely worth checking out your credit benefits. Some give you access to airport lounges which is a game-changer!

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Thanks, Claire!

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they recently put in those new "sorter" style security scanner lanes at Denver (I don't know what they're called but they're like the ones at LHR where each bin gets pulled in one at a time). they are the absolute worst I feel stabby every time I go through security lol. NEED MAX EFFICIENCY

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Ok yes I HAAAAATE those!!! They take so long! And for what! Also, I'll be exclusively using "stabby" henceforth.

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I highly endorse and agree with every. last. point. 👏🏻

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I'm officially welcoming you to the cool ppl airport club 😌

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Honored 😘✨✈️

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Can you believe that I used to fly with a laptop *and* a stressed-out dog going through the regular security line? How far I've come.

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To be fair, Sugar deserved her own dedicated security line, but our society hasn't yet advanced to that level.

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Right as always!

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yes!! petitioning for doggo exclusive security line. they deserve it. with mandatory pets + treats

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100% agree! Can I ask - British person here - what the hell is curbside check??? That sounds amazing!!!

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Whoaaa do you not have?? Curbside check-in is basically exactly what it sounds like—it's a check-in counter right outside the airport doors (on the curb!) where you can drop your bags. You typically tip a buck or two per bag as a courtesy and it's usually a faster option because a) you can check your bags basically as soon as you get out of your car and b) people usually head to the check-in counters inside for some reason.

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Bloody hell - no, we do not! I would love that option!

Eyeing up that away tote you mentioned, too… can you fit a lot in it? I normally travel with a backpack (ew) because it fits so much in it..?

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Oh my gosh yes. I'm the *biggest* fan of this tote. It was my favorite purchase last year! It holds a ton *and*keeps everything super organized. I posted a TikTok showing everything I keep in it/all of the bag's features that you can watch for more info: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN3n5xGh/

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Amazing, thanks tori! Thank you for your service 😂🫡

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